I am delighted to be on this journey with you! Thanks for the discussion and synthesis of our ideas. This month is busy with moving out to the Domestead, but I'm excited to dig into this more soon! 🙌💚
Thanks! Definitely a tricky balance. I think we'll need more redundancy in the beginning, and can hopefully optimize over time as we find what works well.
I know what you mean, I live in redundancy but you know what magic is real ✨
Also in the same swing is it sucess, or is just not failing(falling down well) the aim in village building?
But you know we learn far more from failures, that is the basis for sucess! I had to make it more tricky for you. I promise you there is magic if you get it right!
We are "knowledge commons adjacent" as such. A place for discussion, coordination and linking to communal knowledge.
While the platform isn't going to go into a 'wiki' direction, we do want to be the melting pot for all the different strands of regenerative culture, and offer things like an in-built learning-management-system. Give it a gander and reach out if anything catches your eye :)
Thanks for sharing, it definitely looks promising! I'll be giving it a deeper test here soon, seeing what it would look like to facilitate my idea for a Regenerative Software Guild.
Regenerative Software Guild sounds great … can we learn from the strengths and weaknesses of the Collaborative Technology Alliance https://www.collaborative.tech/ and improve on that?
Ooh, yes! I hadn't found them yet. I need to see what all they have going on before I spin up something new. It definitely looks similar and value aligned. Might just be able to hop in and help improve things there. Thank you for sharing! 🙌💚
Noting that Hylo and the CTA are well-connected! If we can find some people, I would thoroughly enjoy collaborating on the specification of a distributed wiki aspect of this tech ecosystem. My thoughts so far at https://wiki.simongrant.org/doku.php/wiki:wikis
Someone just emailed this to me, I was part of a former online community (Earth Regenerators) in this space where for years some of us were sitting with thinking about how to make an online library on a number of topics (regenerative culture more broadly, but also some specific topics related to culture, territory-scale collaboration, water cycle restoration, etc. - I had years of personal notes that migrated from Roam Research to Athens to Logseq and a smattering of Google Docs shared to carry conversations).
Similar to you, there was always this issue around becoming too multi-faceted, and noticing some of the nicer examples (e.g. https://integralguide.com/ , https://publish.obsidian.md/chromatically/calvin+cycle) focused around the anchor reference links being high-level concepts (and tend to omit say, people as references since the graph view gets really messy that way). I've also bumped into people that contributed to subsections of Appropedia but like you mentioned the concern of not having a 'core team' and ending up being a single person's library are real.
I'm thinking some routes to sustaining such an effort might be specific partnerships with those offering courses/books while maintaining some editorial independence.
Wow, thank you for the treasure trove of resources! I will look into and read them. You seem very aware of the topic, is this something that interests you?
Thanks for taking a look Nicole! Honestly the interest has ebbed and flowed for me over the years, where I've fell into deep interest in taking notes for certain webinars/classes/books that stuck out for me or bump into someone who's carrying a similar interest...but...
...at the same time I've carried tension around how much of learning is ultimately experiential and embodied, and can't easily be written. Or whether a library or knowledge commons might end up in it's own 'runaway' of seeking thoroughness to a point where it feels less usable to someone less familiar compared to more of a narrative journey.
Beautiful perspective. It is so hard to find that balance.
The heart of what Nicole and I are really after -- is making tools to enable the creation and support of healthy Regenerative Communities.
To a degree, the knowledge commons already exists -- the internet. Distributed and open. What we want is a layer on top that curates and synthesizes resources for a particular purpose (Regen Village Building in our case).
And to that end, Regen Tribe has already done much of that work -- and they have the experiential and embodied learning to go with it.
So... what are we missing? Perhaps some platform like GitHub that encapsulates the governance (core group of maintainers, open read, open to contributions, etc). Some automations for link checking, to make sure resources are still available -- or if they change, we can review them to make sure they are still aligned. An AI integration to tag/categorize/link the pieces of content together...
And then I still like the idea of several different layers on top of this well-maintained data layer that guide people through it in different ways.
This warms my heart so much, to see others working with ideas related to the ones that have come to me, but with their own authentic perspective, and I just love the energy and enthusiasm that maybe just comes with being younger! If I can participate and contribute in more ways to this, or similar things, it would be my delight! 😍
Of course! Its all theoretical design and who knows if we will actually build it, but I want something like this for myself and I'm willing to facilitate it being created.
I am wondering what are your thoughts about Solid's knowledge graphs? I put the Solid project aside years ago, as there was no real implementation and it seemed stagnant. But now it seems the project has made good progress. Still bit chaotic and still trying to wrap my head around it, but promising indeed.
A good implementation of this general idea on a grander scale could take over the entire world, since no other such resource exists, people only believe that it does.
A global, comprehensive (as much as possible, of course), epistemically sophisticated & strict global ~"knowledge base" could take over the world, because it could easily expose other institutions (ie: journalism, science, government, etc) as false prophets, and master deceivers (regardless of intention).
Aha, I see. That would be pretty awesome... That kind of scale blows my mind at the moment. But maybe after we master it for one niche like Regenerative Village Building, we can see how it might scale to something like that.
I am delighted to be on this journey with you! Thanks for the discussion and synthesis of our ideas. This month is busy with moving out to the Domestead, but I'm excited to dig into this more soon! 🙌💚
This is a tangent to balance redundancy and optimization, my best wishes for all future endeavours
Thanks! Definitely a tricky balance. I think we'll need more redundancy in the beginning, and can hopefully optimize over time as we find what works well.
I know what you mean, I live in redundancy but you know what magic is real ✨
Also in the same swing is it sucess, or is just not failing(falling down well) the aim in village building?
But you know we learn far more from failures, that is the basis for sucess! I had to make it more tricky for you. I promise you there is magic if you get it right!
Hey friends,
Just dropping a note about hylo.com
We are "knowledge commons adjacent" as such. A place for discussion, coordination and linking to communal knowledge.
While the platform isn't going to go into a 'wiki' direction, we do want to be the melting pot for all the different strands of regenerative culture, and offer things like an in-built learning-management-system. Give it a gander and reach out if anything catches your eye :)
Thanks for sharing, it definitely looks promising! I'll be giving it a deeper test here soon, seeing what it would look like to facilitate my idea for a Regenerative Software Guild.
Regenerative Software Guild sounds great … can we learn from the strengths and weaknesses of the Collaborative Technology Alliance https://www.collaborative.tech/ and improve on that?
Ooh, yes! I hadn't found them yet. I need to see what all they have going on before I spin up something new. It definitely looks similar and value aligned. Might just be able to hop in and help improve things there. Thank you for sharing! 🙌💚
Noting that Hylo and the CTA are well-connected! If we can find some people, I would thoroughly enjoy collaborating on the specification of a distributed wiki aspect of this tech ecosystem. My thoughts so far at https://wiki.simongrant.org/doku.php/wiki:wikis
Hey I loved the article. I'm navigating very similar ideas/technology (as a developer) . If you are up for another call I would love to join.
Keep up to good work ❤️
Someone just emailed this to me, I was part of a former online community (Earth Regenerators) in this space where for years some of us were sitting with thinking about how to make an online library on a number of topics (regenerative culture more broadly, but also some specific topics related to culture, territory-scale collaboration, water cycle restoration, etc. - I had years of personal notes that migrated from Roam Research to Athens to Logseq and a smattering of Google Docs shared to carry conversations).
Similar to you, there was always this issue around becoming too multi-faceted, and noticing some of the nicer examples (e.g. https://integralguide.com/ , https://publish.obsidian.md/chromatically/calvin+cycle) focused around the anchor reference links being high-level concepts (and tend to omit say, people as references since the graph view gets really messy that way). I've also bumped into people that contributed to subsections of Appropedia but like you mentioned the concern of not having a 'core team' and ending up being a single person's library are real.
I'm thinking some routes to sustaining such an effort might be specific partnerships with those offering courses/books while maintaining some editorial independence.
Happy to talk if ever interested, some of us that were carrying conversations on ( https://archive.ph/https://earthregenerators.org/* ) are now on https://transition-er.mn.co , here's some other people and works you might be interested in:
- The salish sea wiki - started by Paul Cereghino and goes from a high level view of riparian restoration and ecosystems meeting human systems ( https://salishsearestoration.org/wiki/The_Big_Picture ) down to field station events ( https://salishsearestoration.org/wiki/The_Ecosystem_Guild/Skykomish_Field_Station ) showing work and a social side of 'biocultural restoration'
- Tijn Tjoelker supposedly is interested in this space too: https://tijntjoelker.substack.com/p/digital-gardening/comments , and references work by Jo Petroni : https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:ugcPost:7168353400428994560?commentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Acomment%3A%28ugcPost%3A7168353400428994560%2C7168543155456315392%29&dashCommentUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afsd_comment%3A%287168543155456315392%2Curn%3Ali%3AugcPost%3A7168353400428994560%29
- Some other folks I know trying to make use of federated wiki for local projects (Marc Pierson) - www.relocalizecreativity.net/ , and a network ( http://search.fed.wiki.org:3030/graph/bundle.html ) of folks ( e.g. http://kiran.relocalizecreativity.net/view/welcome-visitors/view/kula-applied-research-institute/view/relocalize-kula-labs/view/relocalize-bioregional-learning-centres/view/relocalize-bioregional-learning )
Wow, thank you for the treasure trove of resources! I will look into and read them. You seem very aware of the topic, is this something that interests you?
Thanks for taking a look Nicole! Honestly the interest has ebbed and flowed for me over the years, where I've fell into deep interest in taking notes for certain webinars/classes/books that stuck out for me or bump into someone who's carrying a similar interest...but...
...at the same time I've carried tension around how much of learning is ultimately experiential and embodied, and can't easily be written. Or whether a library or knowledge commons might end up in it's own 'runaway' of seeking thoroughness to a point where it feels less usable to someone less familiar compared to more of a narrative journey.
Beautiful perspective. It is so hard to find that balance.
The heart of what Nicole and I are really after -- is making tools to enable the creation and support of healthy Regenerative Communities.
To a degree, the knowledge commons already exists -- the internet. Distributed and open. What we want is a layer on top that curates and synthesizes resources for a particular purpose (Regen Village Building in our case).
And to that end, Regen Tribe has already done much of that work -- and they have the experiential and embodied learning to go with it.
So... what are we missing? Perhaps some platform like GitHub that encapsulates the governance (core group of maintainers, open read, open to contributions, etc). Some automations for link checking, to make sure resources are still available -- or if they change, we can review them to make sure they are still aligned. An AI integration to tag/categorize/link the pieces of content together...
And then I still like the idea of several different layers on top of this well-maintained data layer that guide people through it in different ways.
1. A ChatBot that has been fed with the content.
2. A word-web / word cloud tag/category explorer.
3. A gamified builder/simulator.
I would by happy to assist you in creating this on Wikiversity
This warms my heart so much, to see others working with ideas related to the ones that have come to me, but with their own authentic perspective, and I just love the energy and enthusiasm that maybe just comes with being younger! If I can participate and contribute in more ways to this, or similar things, it would be my delight! 😍
Of course! Its all theoretical design and who knows if we will actually build it, but I want something like this for myself and I'm willing to facilitate it being created.
I am wondering what are your thoughts about Solid's knowledge graphs? I put the Solid project aside years ago, as there was no real implementation and it seemed stagnant. But now it seems the project has made good progress. Still bit chaotic and still trying to wrap my head around it, but promising indeed.
It looks promising. On the surface, it reminds me of HoloChain. I've got it on my list of things to explore more! Thanks! 🙌💚
A good implementation of this general idea on a grander scale could take over the entire world, since no other such resource exists, people only believe that it does.
I'm not sure I fully understand. Would you be so kind as to elaborate a little more?
A global, comprehensive (as much as possible, of course), epistemically sophisticated & strict global ~"knowledge base" could take over the world, because it could easily expose other institutions (ie: journalism, science, government, etc) as false prophets, and master deceivers (regardless of intention).
Aha, I see. That would be pretty awesome... That kind of scale blows my mind at the moment. But maybe after we master it for one niche like Regenerative Village Building, we can see how it might scale to something like that.
If you're building software, just design it abstractly.